• Joan Burton, Theocritus’s Urban Mimes: Mobility, Gender, and Patronage, Berkeley: University of California Press (1995) [1. Mobility and Immigration. themes of mobility and internationalism; symposia; friendship. 2. Gender and Power. male-female relations; women and power; Adonis and sexual ambiguity. 3. Ekphrasis and the Reception of Works of Art. reception of art; transitions between art and reality. 4. Patronage. Ptolemy; Arsinoe] / bmcr
  • Joan Burton, “The Function of the Symposium Theme in Theocritus’ Idyll 14,” Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies 33 (1992) 227-45 [1. Historical Overview of Greek Symposia, 2. Idyll 14, 3. Conclusion]
  • Martijn Cuypers, A Bibliography of Hellenistic Poetry / web link
  • Malcolm Davies, “Theocritus’ ‘Adoniazusae’,” Greece & Rome 42.2 (1995) 152-158 / full text
  • Whitehorne, John, “Women’s Work in Theocritus, Idyll 15,” Hermes 123.4 (1995) 63ff.