Please email me at with additional recommendations for sites or organizations
Professional Organizations
Multiculturalism, Race & Ethnicity in Classics Consortium (MRECC)
Classical Association of the Atlantic States
Classical Association of New England
Classical Association of the Middle West and South
Additional Sites
Eidolon is an online journal for scholarly writing about Classics that isn’t formal scholarship.
Classics at the Intersections
Random thoughts of a Classicist on ancient Greek and Roman culture and contemporary America by Rebecca Futo Kennedy.
History From Below
Musings on Daily Life in the Ancient and Early Medieval Mediterranean By Sarah E. Bond.
Pharos is a platform where classical scholars, and the public more broadly, can learn about and respond to appropriations of Greco-Roman antiquity by hate groups online.
LGBT Meets SPQR is a collection of authentic Latin texts that highlight LGBTQIA+ topics for the purpose of enhancing representation and facilitating discussion in middle and high school Latin classes (appropriate for ages 14 – 17).
Women in Antiquity
This interactive website is an international collaboration between students enrolled in Women in Antiquity courses across North America. Each student researched a topic of their choice relating to the overall course subject, and then populated a page of their own. Please take a look around, explore and learn about the lives and myths of women and goddesses from ancient Greece and Rome.
Online Companion to the Worlds of Roman Women
A collection of texts, images, and pedagogical tools for the study of women and gender in ancient Rome (now sponsored by the Women’s Classical Caucus).
For Fun
Lore Olympus
A webcomic. “Witness what the gods do…after dark. The friendships and the lies, the gossip and the wild parties, and of course, forbidden love. Because it turns out, the gods aren’t so different from us after all, especially when it comes to their problems. Stylish and immersive, this is one of mythology’s greatest stories — The Taking of Persephone — as it’s never been told before.” Note: artistic liberties have been taken with the story, which do not reflect the themes of rape and violence present in the original myths.
Classical Memes for Hellenistic Teens
Note: Some memes are NSFW. “We post memes related to Classical Studies. Some we make, most we don’t!”