- To Aphrodite (Fr. 1. G)
- When I look at you (Fr. 31. G)
- Anactoria (Fr. 16. G)
- Parting (Fr. 94. G)
- Remembering the girl Atthis (Fr. 96. G)
- The wedding of Hector and Andromache (Fr. 44. G)
32. The lot of women: Procne. Athens, mid-5th cent. B.C. (Sophocles, Tereus, Fr. 585 Radt. G)
33. Pasiphae. Athens, mid-5th cent. B.C. (Euripides, Cretans, GLP 11)
35. A fragment of a comedy. Athens, 4th/3rd cent. B.C. (Anon., in Menander, ed. Sandbach, p. 328, GLP 185-7)