(Note: for interpretation of the following documents, see William Ward’s 1995 NEH lecture, “The Egyptian Economy and Non-royal Women: Their Status in Public Life”)
- Will of Prince Nikaure, son of King Khafre (ca. 2600 B.C.)
- The Wills of Two Brothers and the Inheritance of One Brother’s Wife (ca. 1900 B.C.)
- Dispute over Property between a Mother and Daughter
- Marriage Agreement between a Bridegroom and his Father-in-law
- A Wife Wins a Dispute over Her Inheritance
- A Woman Charges her Husband with Wife Abuse
- A Father’s Promise to his Daughter in Case of Divorce
- A Woman Asks an Oracle to Settle a dispute over land
- The Will of Amonkhau in Favor of His Second Wife (ca. 1100 B.C.)
- A Daughter’s Double Inheritance of Family Property (13th c. B.C.)