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- The Cologne Epode of Archilochos, translation and introduction by Guy Davenport
- Alkman, Hymn to Aretmis (Partheneion), two translations and an introduction by Guy Davenport
- Greek Women Poets (Sappho, Korinna, Praxilla, Erinna, Nossis), translated by Diane Rayor
- Sappho’s Hymn to Aphrodite, translated by Elizabeth Vandiver
- Semonides 7, translated by Diane Arnson Svarlien
- Cyclops (Theocritus 11), translated by Diane Arnson Svarlien
- Epigrams by Women from the Greek Anthology, translation and notes by Marilyn B. Skinner
- New Hellenistic Epigrams about Women, translation and notes by Mary R. Lefkowitz
- Sophocles, Antigone, translation and notes by Wm. Blake Tyrrell and Larry J. Bennett
- Sophocles, Trachiniae, translated by Robert M. Torrance
- Euripides, Medea, translation and notes by Cecelia Luschnig
- Hypotheses and Selected Scholia to Euripides’ Medea, translation and notes by Cecelia Luschnig
- Euripides, Alcestis, translation and notes by Cecilia Luschnig
- Euripides, The Cretans, fr. 472e Kannicht = fr. 11 Page = fr. 82 Austin (from Perg. Berol. 13217, lost), translated by P. T. Rourke
- Euripides, Erechtheus, fr. 50 Austin = fr. 360 N, translated by Mary R. Lefkowitz
- The Fragments of Neophron’s Medea, translation and notes by Cecelia Luschnig
- Aeschylus, Persians, translation and notes by Cecelia Luschnig
- Euripides, Trojan Women, translation and introduction by Cecelia Luschnig
- Sophocles, Ajax, translation and introduction by Cecelia Luschnig
- Euripides, Ion, translation and introduction by Cecelia Luschnig