Nota Bene: This is a list of all syllabi ever uploaded to Diotíma v. 1.0 and v. 2.0. If a syllabus has a strikethrough, the linked document no longer exists. I will do my best to contact authors to receive new links.
Women in Antiquity
- R. Kennedy, Women and Gender in Antiquity (2018)
- E. Zimmermann Damer, The Feminine in Greco-Roman Literature (University of Richmond, 2017)
- M. Subacus, Women in the Classical World (2016)
- C. Benton, Women in Antiquity (Cornell College, 2003-04)
F. Behr, Women in the Ancient World (U of Houston, Spring 2003)Thomas J. Figueira, Women in Antiquity (Rutgers, Spring 2001)- Beth Severy, Classics/Women’s and Gender Studies 27: Women in Classical Antiquity (Macalester, Spring 2000)
Julie Laskaris, “The Feminine in Graeco-Roman Literature” (University of Richmond, Fall 1999)Julie Laskaris, “Women in Greece and Rome” (University of Richmond, Spring 1999)Patricia Graham-Skoul, “Women in Antiquity” (Loyola University of Chicago, Fall 1999)- R. Scaife, “Women in Ancient Greece and Rome”(University of Kentucky, Fall 1998)
B. Hutton, “Women in Classical Myth, Literature and Society” (College of William and Mary, Spring 1998)Judith Sebesta, “HIST 111 Women in Antiquity” (University of South Dakota, Fall 1998)L. Abel and J. Ginsburg, “Representations of Women in Ancient Greece and Rome: Classics/Women’s Studies 363 and History 367” (Cornell University, Spring 1996)B. Halpern and J. Goodall, “Women in Antiquity” (Tufts University, Spring 1996)- J. L. Sebesta, “Freshman Honors. Comparative Civilization I: Women in Antiquity” (University of South Dakota, Fall 1996)
- M. Skinner, “Women in Antiquity: CLAS 330/HUM 330/WS 330 (3 units) ” (University of Arizona: Presession, Summer 1995) — many lecture notes etc.
M. Skinner, “Women and Gender in Antiquity” (University of Arizona)- L. Doherty, “Women in Antiquity” (University of Maryland, Fall 1995) — n.b. many linked resources in addition to syllabus
C. Allan, Women in Classical Antiquity (UC Davis)- J. Hallett (University of Maryland)
Molly Levine, “Women in the Ancient World” (Howard University)
Gender and Sexuality
- J. Serrati, Topics in Greek and Latin Literature in Translation: Women, Gender, and Sexuality in Greek and Latin Literature (University of Ottawa, 2021)
- J. Svarlien, Gender and Sexuality in Greece and Rome (Transylvania University, 2019)
- R. Hart, Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World (University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2019)
- D. Libatique, Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World (Holy Cross, 2019)
- R. Kennedy, Gender and Sexuality in Antiquity (2018)
- E. Adkins, Gender, Sexuality, and Love in Ancient Greece and Rome (2017)
- J. LaBuff, Sexuality and Politics in Antiquity (2017)
- B. Jones, Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World (2017)
- M. Subacus, Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome (2017)
- M. Altman, Greece and Gender (DePauw, 2014)
D. Rohrbacher, Love and Sex in the Ancient World (New College of Florida, Spring 2003)- Nick Fisher and Sian Lewis, Gender and Sexuality in Greece and Rome (Cardiff, 2002/3, 2004/5)
M. G. Parca, Sex and Gender in Classical Antiquity (UIUC, Spring 2003)Holly M. Sypniewski, Love, Sex and Desire in the Ancient World (Millsaps, Fall 2002)Scott Rubarth, “Gender and Sexuality in Antiquity” (Rollins College, Fall 2001)- Nancy Sultan, “Sex and Gender in Graeco-Roman Antiquity” (Illinois Wesleyan University, Spring, 1999)
Amy Richlin, “Sex and Gender in Greece and Rome” (University of Southern California, Spring 1999)F. Zeitlin, “Sex and Gender in the Ancient World” (Princeton University, Spring 1999)C. Williams, “Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Greece and Rome” (Fall 1996, City University of New York)- L. Foxhall, “Gender in Ancient Social Life” (School of Archaeological Studies, University of Leicester, Fall 1995)
- J. Francis, “Roots of Western Sexuality” (University of Kentucky, 1993)
L. McClure, “Gender and Sexuality in the Classical World” (University of Wisconsin) –with lecture notes
Masculinity and Sexuality
T. Hubbard, “Homosexuality in Antiquity”(University of Texas, Spring 1995)
Women in Egypt
C. Salowey, Women in Ancient Egypt (Hollins 1999)- T. Wilfong (University of Michigan)
Women and Gender in Ancient Egypt: Artifact, Text, Image (Fall 1996) - J. Johnson, “Women in Ancient Egypt” (Oriental Institute of Chicago, Fall 1995)
Women in Greece
T. D. McClain, Pandora’s Daughters (Loyola University of New Orleans, Spring 2003)- M. Katz, “Women and the Polis in Ancient Greece” (Wesleyan University, Spring 1998)
Laurel Bowman, Teaching Euripides’ Medea (copious resources)J. Gibert, “Women in Antiquity: Greece” (University of Colorado at Boulder, Fall 1997)
Women in Rome
- E. Zimmermann Damer, Gender, Violence, & Rome (University of Richmond, 2018)
- A. Richlin Roman Women’s History (UCLA, 2013)
- A. Richlin, Roman Women’s History, Graduate Syllabus (UCLA, 2013)
O. Knorr, Women in Roman Literature and Life (Willamette, 2002)Ann Raia, “CLS 239 Roman Women: Puella, Matrona, Meretrix” (College of New Rochelle, Fall 2002)- T. D. McClain, “Written Roman Women: An Intensive Writing Course” (Loyola University of New Orleans, Spring 1996)
Women in the Biblical/Medieval World
Anne McGuire, “Women and Gender in Early Christianity” (Haverford, Fall 1999)N. Denzey, “Womens’ Spirituality in the Roman Empire and the Early Middle Ages” (Bowdoin, Spring, 1998)- Alan Humm, “Women in the Biblical World” (Albright College, Fall 1998)
D. Everhart, “Medieval Women: Tradition and Counter-Tradition” (Georgetown University, Spring 1995)— n.b. the Student Reports on Web Resources Related to the Study of Medieval Women
D. Vess, Women in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds (Georgia College & State University)
Race and Ethnicity
- K. Dugan, “Ancient Identities: Race and Ethnicity in the Mediterranean 500 BCE -500 CE” (University of Georgia, 2020)
D. Pozzi, “Gender and Race in Ancient Greek Myths” (University of Houston, Spring 1996)
Greg Thalmann, “Classics 565: Roman Slavery” (University of Southern California, Fall 1997)
Art and Archaeology
- A. Emmerson, Gender in Roman Archaeology (Tulane, 2018)
P. Rehak, Women in Ancient Art and Society (U of Kansas, Spring Term 2002)Nick Cahill, “Art History 505: Marriage and Death in Greek Art” (University of Wisconsin, Fall 1997)- T. Wilfong (University of Michigan) “The Body & Sexuality in the Art of the Ancient World” (Spring 1995)
C. Witcombe, Images of Women in Ancient Art: Issues of Interpretation and Identity (Sweet Briar College)
- C. Hines, Ancient Worlds, Modern Crises (Wake Forest University 2020) syllabus and reading list
- S. Witzke, Classical Allusions in Film (Wesleyan University, 2019)
- B. Steven, Antiquity & Diversity in Contemporary American Literature (Trinity University, 2018)
Misc. Topics
- Veronique Dasen, Pour une anthropologie de la naissance et de la petite enfance (University of Fribourg in Switzerland, 2000)
- Lisa Rengo George, The Family in Classical Antiquity (Skidmore College, Spring 1998)
Victoria Wohl, “Freud and Classical Mythology” (Ohio State University, Spring 1998)- N. Demand, “The History of Ancient Medicine: History C380/C580” (Indiana University, Spring 1997) with many linked resources
T. Parkin, “Roman Social History” (Victoria University of Wellington, 1995-96)