TBA – we will be creating general bibliographies in the future
Please see the Call for Curated Bibliographies
Women, Gender, and Warfare in Ancient Greece and Rome by John Serrati (
Women and the Roman Army by Elizabeth M. Greene (
Feminist and Gender Theory by Anna E. Simas (
Female Pilgrims in the 4th century AD by Leen Bokken (
Misogyny in Practice: An Annotated Bibliography on Violence against Women in the Ancient World by Hannah Dubb ( and Olivia Shuman (
Off-site Compiled Bibliographies
Pre-2008 (not updated)
Nota Bene: Broken links abound, but full citations are present.
Ancient World
- Introductions to the field
- Theoretical Perspectives
- The Body
- Virginity
- Ancient Medicine and Gynecology
- Contraception and Abortion
- Sex
- Prostitution
- Rape
- Matriarchy
- The Ancient Novel
- Curses and Magic
- Gnosticism
- Biblical Studies
- Judaism
- Christianity
- Greco-Roman Rituals and Divinities
- Mythology
- The Bronze Age Aegean
- Children and Childhood
- Masculinity
- Sport and Athletics
- Dining and the Symposium
- Law
- Slavery
- Weddings and Marriage and Divorce
- Women Authors
- Death
- Widows
- Late Antiquity
The Greeks
- Greek Art
- Homer
- Hesiod
- Semonides
- Sappho
- Alcman
- Pindar
- Drama, Attic tragedy, Attic comedy, and the audience
- Theocritus
- The Greek Historians
- The Greek Philosophers
- Barbarians
- The Family and Daily Life
- The Spartans
The Etruscans
The Romans
- Roman Clothing
- Roman Sexuality
- Women in Roman Art
- Roman Wall Painting
- Historical Roman Women (in Livy, Sallust, and Tacitus)
- Cleopatra, film and reality
- Law, the Family, and Daily Life
- Lyric and Elegy
- Satire
List of Abbreviations